
It’s all pointless , Donnie. Now is the perfect time for you and Pence to enact your murder-suicide pact.

Just once in my life I want somebody to pay me tens of millions of dollars to fail spectacularly. 

As someone who works in a library I can confirm this statement.  So.  Many.  Jobsworths.

Rich people don’t think like normal people.  To them, dollars are just points.  They want to die with the most points, which proves they’re the bestest of all in the history of everybody.

That’s what I don’t get. At what point in life do you realize you are old enough and rich enough to say fuck it and just go live on a beach with some model? If I win the lottery I’m moving to an island and building a compound to get away from people, these people could do it thousands of times over but they’d rather

Not false. Weird fixation on wanting to create an American version of the British royal family, for whatever fucking reason.

Dems believe they can juice turnout — already hitting record levels — by playing off the huge public attention to the court, and Roe v. Wade in particular.

For the leadership of the Democratic Party, their leadership is more important than the Democratic Party.

Don’t ever forget that Dianne Feinstein voted against a provision that would have allowed same-sex couples to share health benefits in the midst of the AIDS crisis; don’t forget Dianne Feinstein ordered the closing of San Francisco’s bath houses and actively worked against all of Harvey Milk’s progress toward LGBQT

Folk talk about how hard it was to watch, and newer folk talk about how hard it is to watch now.

According to Microsoft Gen AA

I totally agree. I’m an ex Catholic and being raised Catholic was child abuse, even though I wasn’t targeted.. The existential horror of really believing that you are dirty and sinful just for being alive, and that despite being deliberately created like that, you are commanded to be pure. I truly believed as a child

Maybe I’m just cynical, but I’m almost 40 and I feel like pretty much my entire life the American government has been openly committing crimes against humanity. Our entire prison industrial complex (among other things) is a shining example of that.

The most powerful form of protest is with your wallet.”

Fuck you.

shout out to all the dips in here obsessing about how this dude self-identifies politically and using that to gloss over the substance of his message ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

This baby is ruined. Throw it away and start over.

Someone made an honest mistake, attempted to rectify it as soon as they knew what happened, apologized and no harm was actually done - why be more angry? It’s not like the server accidentally shot her full of heroin.

The answer to “should I have been more angry in this situation?” is rarelyyes”. 

And yet they’ll find ways to make the grower’s license unattainable for them. Hell, they may even keep it schedule 1 just so the DEA can continue to bust regular folk. The US has a long authoritarian streak that isn’t going to end any time soon. If the government can’t control the market (and benefit from it), they