
Nope. No more actors running for high office without any experience. Governor is not a “learn on the job” type of position (neither is president but that ship has sailed)  

Have you ever noticed with all these stars their first step is always something like ‘governor’? Its not small town mayor or city council or some smaller political appointment to gain experience and work their way up. Its just ‘people like me and I think I’m right so I must be qualified!’

I can’t imagine any other field of consequence in which the average person would want the least experienced person to do the job (“Hey, I’d rather not have the surgeon with 20 years experience, thanks. I’ll take the guy who’s still in medical school because he hasn’t lost any patients yet, amirite? LOL.”) It’s a

I would also love for someone better than Cuomo to come along. Oh, and by the way, there could be someone better. Do you know who else is running? Terry Gipson, a former state senator. Increased funding for state parks and the environmental protection fund. Also increased funding for grants for job-creating

White privilege on full display. “I have no experience with government but I’m not this other guy and I’m rich, so vote for me!“

Its not just hiring policies - the whole idea of “policing” a population needs to be restructured from the ground up. The current model started at slave patrols, moved to racket busting, and has now been taken over by military rejects who don’t know the difference between an “unlawful combatant” in downtown Baghdad

It’s specifically for the National Portrait Gallery. Realism is kind of their thing, especially for a First Lady (let alone the first African-American first lady). Someone saying “it doesn’t look like her” is completely acceptable here.

This woman has obviously far more serious mental health issues, than what a hamster could have solved anyway

It seems like emotional support vicodin is much less trouble on a plane.

Has anyone consider that food stamps may not be the best solution? And with all this automation taking jobs away, Universal Basic Income should be a big part of public discussion. Let’s stop paying people the minimum wage to do work nobody wants to do, let’s start getting sure everyone has enough to have a dignified

The thing I find so confounding about the complicity of USAG/MSU/USOC is... why? Once the allegations started to surface, why keep him? Did this shitstain appear to offer anything special? Did he seem to possess unique skills above and beyond the average sports medicine practitioner? Or was it really just the purely

Most of dystopian fiction is putting White people in a future that has already come, gone, and is still here for Black folks. Look at books like The Hunger Games where you have White people rebelling against a rich evil class. The Handmaiden’s tale is Black women’s story from all around the world. Their bodies used

Campaign donation limits = the solution to rich idiots having WAY too much power and influence.

This “Oprah should run for president” has not been a fun joke for me. It has sent my anxiety levels into geosynchronous orbit. My worst nightmare is having to choose between Trump-Pence and Zuckerberg-Clooney in 2020, and this is getting alarmingly close to that. And the shadow of calls to campaign has completely

Good luck with that, when we’ve got a huge contingent of Clinton-ish voters out there who complain that leftists are unrealistic children, while DINOs like the Clintons are the ones who can “get things done.” Yeah, they can get things done, like welfare “reform”, and the repeal of Glass-Steagall.

We got an email at work the other day about the tax cuts that didn’t even try to spin it as something that could be good for employees. They board is just foaming at the mouth about how great it’ll be, but that shit isn’t going to trickle down the org chart and they don’t even have to pretend it will. We are flush as

Although you mentioned transaction security, I feel that you left out one important advantage of credit cards over debit cards. If a fraudulent transaction hits my credit card account I can argue my case BEFORE I pay the bill. If the same fraudulent transaction hits a debit card account the money is gone. You are

I’ve heard of chemtrails controlling our minds, but now they’re trying to give us the clap too.

Meh. I can honestly say the women who can’t figure it out are the blowup doll type anyway. He’s pretty, shes’s pretty, she lays there with a starfish, he flops around for 2.4 minutes.