
it’s the most segregated city I’ve ever lived in.

Chapter 1: an anointed Hillary Clinton lost in 2008 to the most inexperienced and unlikeliest president ever elected.

There is a virulent strain of liberal white racism that pops up every time rich white liberals start making decisions about their rosy-cheeked little golden Aidans, Jaidens, and Pipers. It’s disgraceful.


Um, boo hoo?

I agree with this take, but I’d still take a righteous asshole antifa kid over a “Won’t someone think of the poor Starbucks” tut-tutter any day.

Sigh, I admire their willpower, but they should have let it fall apart. The only reason that bloated orange gibbon is still squatting in the Oval Office is the entire WH staff is missing-stair around him at all times.

In other news, the kitten from the “just hang in there” poster finally fell off that branch and died.

Standing under running water in the shower IS washing your legs.

Don’t have oily skin or any derm problemos so I count my lucky stars.

Go to bed showered clean, have sex. Sleep all night. Fart a lot. Morning sex....

“I just groom my three basic areas: teeth, hair and asshole. And to save time, I use the same brush” -- George Carlin

Oh, I’m sure Mike Pence has a sexual relationship, but I doubt it’s with Karen.

That man is the head of the FBI who has basically fucked up our country up. Screw his treasured privacy. If he can barely keep a Twitter/Instagram account secret he’s also super shitty at his job.

As much as it sickens me everytime I’m reminded white people put Trump in the White House, I will say that the only silver lining to Clinton not getting elected is Clinton not getting elected.

If you are getting the uneasy feeling that ICE and CBP in 2017 USA are sounding a lot like the gestapo in Germany in 1933, then star this comment.

45 is the new 30.

My father doesn’t even AOL.

if he ever does go down a bad path, this modeling experience will show him how to reach the end and turn right around