

My hope is that, behind closed doors Obama said “This shit is serious. You’ve been spouting off for the last year and a half, now you just shut the fuck up and listen,” and just lectured him about the importance of the office of the presidency, the actual hard work it takes, that revenging petty little grievances

Trump: I can’t wait to make love to Vladamir, the holy avatar of mother Russia, right here on this fucking rug just as soon as I can have some alone time.

God save us from President Pence.

I am not bleeding from my eyes, I’m bleeding from my wherever.

PRoblem is that what we saw yesterday was the working class starting a political movement. Marx just didn’t figure that the working class uprising would be fueld by racism and xenophobia.

The joke’s on him though, cause she just copied Michelle Obama’s ballot.

You’re clearly never had ceviche with roast guinea pig.

Well it’s clearly possible. It is literally in the video you posted. Right there. And physically possible because of things like physics. And friction.

Courtney Stodden is going to fight for him.

I can buy like over ten pounds of really good indica for that kind of money.

I have Judy’s autograph! In that she signed my parent’s divorce papers when she was the Family Court Judge in NYC when I was a kid. STILL COUNTS!

They could whisk him into a Del Taco somewhere in West Phoenix and tell him the first Latino man he sees is el presidente de México and he wouldn’t know the difference.

Here is how you can tell if cupping, or acupuncture, or any alternative medicine is remotely valid. Is big pharma in on it? If there is the slightest chance that they can make money off of it, big pharma will be in on it (I work for them, so I know). They do NOT turn their noses up because something comes from nature

So basically...

I hear you... I’ve been seeing all of these “FEELING ALL THE FEELINGS” posts, people crying over her nomination and such, and I don’t really feel moved by it at all. I thought maybe because I wasn’t the biggest fan of her policies, but I think it’s actually something else. I think it’s just that I never really felt

I would like to preface this comment with the statement that I am voting for Hillary Clinton. I love that Bernie contributed so much to the platform and I hope that Hillary keeps her word and sticks to the plans. But I also need to say that yesterday was so underwhelming for me. As a longtime supporter of the

In 50 years we’ll all be living as human puppies inside of an autonomous car.