
No AK-47s in that video. A few FALs and Galils, but no AKs. Top notch journalism yet again.

Based on how he was raised, I'm surprised Hunter didn't slap the umpire back. His parents instilled the importance of an "i for an i".

Yasiel later switched video games and didn't put this one back in its case.

Are we sure those are Browns fans, and not just the actual guys?

which was about as daring and improvisational a play as the sport allows.

Say what you like about Happy Valley, they know what they like in a coach.

They forgot to show where top-scorer Wilt Chamberlain used to get most of his shots:

Yet another instance of Russell being too small for the position.

Looks like you should spend less time as TheLaughingMan and more time as TheReadingMan.

Are you going to admit that you didn't read the whole comment or are you going to pretend that didn't happen?

no jokes here everyone rape is terrible crime

The problem with the people that keep pointing out Lueke's history is that it ignores the possibility for redemption despite a checkered past. People make mistakes and they grow as a result of it. Yes, it's an ugly truth. Nobody is going to deny it. But the fact remains: many people have gone on from being members of

A-cups for a Cup.

@ACromartie31 go see my boy uhhh jake, mike, something like that. he's in milwaukee. wait, no, pittsburgh. well whatever, go see him, he needs a ride from school

Derek Jeter promptly quits team

[drops vape pen, dons fedora] quick! to Reddit!

I feel like the people who run the school want it both ways:

People from Chicago have such a good feel for people that they elected Blagovjevich.

Yeah I'm with you, this is a bit reaching.

Just watched it again and he's calling the motion deceptive, not Asians. C'mon, you guys are better than this.