
Stop! That’s My Wife! is Peyton Manning’s erotic rebuttal to Al Jazeera

Wu Ke mistake.

It's gotta be Carly Fiorina right?

I have always felt that as long as the US league’s highest tier has a season that is structurally different then the rest of the world, the US won’t be consistently compete with other countries.

unlike weed you would need to smoke a whole “blunt” of it to get high

ill preface this comment by saying i was born and raised in Massachusetts (spent 25 yeas in Boston and the South Shore.). This has to be the first time ever that the police have covered up for a black guy.

You missed one.

The bigger joke is “productition.”

Don’t worry, guys, OU is bringing Adrian Peterson back to mentor him.

I’ve seen some dirty hits on QBs before (hits on Favre in the NFC Championship game), but I gotta say, it looked like Joyner was trying everything possible not to hit him. I think a lot of people forget how fast everyone is moving, and it looks like Joyner has just halted his sideways momentum (but still with a lot of

To be fair he said this too.

Goodell: Two games!

If I had to guess that’s probably his manager from when he played in the Puerto Rican Winter League in 2013 for Indios de Mayaguez. I think Ivan De Jesus was the manager that season.

Especially that first one, apparently from Dan Jennings.

does that say “drunk women”? ya know, just to clarify?



Somebody should show this to the local press guy who said this was hot garbage.

The other shoe: