The idea that the vagina is like a stretched out old bra strap is nothing but an old wives tale meant to scare anxious nulliparas.
The idea that the vagina is like a stretched out old bra strap is nothing but an old wives tale meant to scare anxious nulliparas.
N64 had amazeballs graphics for the time.
There should be some sort of auditing process for 1 star reviews.
...but I have NEVER felt compelled to get on the internet and whine about it.
Don’t cheat and you’ve got nothing to worry about.
The N64 back in the day had no real gimmicks
it’s not the gimmicks themselves that bother me, it’s the fact that they don’t even commit to their gimmicks
“we’re raising a generation of mental and emotional invalids”
You replied that they can only learn through experience which is bullshit.
You are, however, responsible for supervising your minor child when taking them into public situations.
If they knew they had something that wasn’t backed by facts, results and testing, then wouldn’t they know they would be found out? I mean, how does an entire company do all this, go through all the effort and then think no one would catch them?
There’s no way she walked away empty handed.
They do it by artificially inflating prices of not-real things and then cashing them out to become rich at everyone elses’ expense!
I am sorry, what part of “The initial update will be free for players on all consoles” did you not understand?
Why people mask their humanity to come off as more desireable is beyond me.
Is this really what passes for “beefcake” now?
its fucking impossible to avoid spoilers
hey bud put a spoiler tag up next time!
Kinda shitty to put this up for the folks that haven’t been able to keep up with the books/show.
Mary, Mary, quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?
With silver bells, and cockle shells,
And pretty maids all in a row.