The health advantages of routine infant circumcision are small and the evidence is not overwhelming, especially if you practice safe sex and proper hygiene
The health advantages of routine infant circumcision are small and the evidence is not overwhelming, especially if you practice safe sex and proper hygiene
Go read up on a condition called Phimosis. Circumcision is not even in the same ballpark as FGM, and while I don’t think it’s really necessary it’s also not damaging when performed properly.
That’s not how it worked. The Dreamcast had a GD-ROM and the games were special 1gb discs that could not be read on a standard PC CD or DVD drive. Some hackers were able to modify a particular CD drive, but it wasn’t something most people could do.
The only people who lost any money on that kind of thing were places like Blockbuster.
People talk about DLC cutting up the game, or it being shipped buggy and unfinished. Which does happen, but it happened just as much back then too.
but yet we get white washing Ghost in the Shell instead.
In referral to point 1. Only if you are crazy, stupid, misogynistic, a gator, or
Then you should probably skip the opening credits/animation too, because the places it “pans” to are the places which will be featured in the episode.
What’s going to be fun is when every game company does the same thing, because they will. There is way too much money being left on the table
Nintendo is just protecting themselves.
If I was a YouTuber, I wouldn’t touch any Nintendo IP with a ten-foot-pole.
Also, it’s not pronounced ‘warchestershire’ sauce?
Pfft,we don’t spell things phonetically. If we did it would be Wuster not Worcester.
Reviews are personal opinions. They are not objective measures.
One person’s opinion of a game is what a review IS.
There’s broken games and cheating on consoles all the same as on PC.
Hacking is almost nonexistent in console multiplayer games
However, for the most part, hacking/aimbotting is MUCH less common.
Practice might not make you “perfect” but it sure doesn’t hurt.
Some men just want to watch the world burn.