
This is what you get for living in ‘unregulated’ USA

For all the people blaming Walmart for “just having fireworks out”, you’re kind of 1) an idiot and 2) most likely part of the problem of a bigger picture.

I can’t bring my used propane tank near the building (I get it!) but this was ok?

Razor blades get locked up in that city, but not ammo.

Would have been nice to look for a fire extinguisher rather than stand around and film it, though.

So they should expect people to commit vandalism and arson in the middle of a large store full of people?

So your fine with people destroying others property as long as you dislike that person. Your parents must be so proud.

but that is not a HIPAA violation

So if you confide in your boss

We had weekly debates, and for the reproductive rights debate, I took the anti-abortion side, because that’s what I believed.

her own, personal, private reason.

They’re not against this type of late-term abortion, they’re against a strawman they’ve been told about who goes into the clinic at 39 weeks and 6 days and demands that her (totally viable, unassisted, outside of the womb, were labor to be induced) baby be aborted.

My god, I thought commenting was supposed to be about discussion and debate and all I get is slammed.

nor is any woman’s situation your business.

What’s interesting about most of us white folk is that in the absence of color, we will happily get racist about each other.

Wouldn’t an English-accented Chinese man in Shanghai wear a Savile Row or Italian suit rather than BB, which is mainly a Japanese preference (even more than the US)?

Yep, completely ignored the ABC shows.

Best actor for the job. Unless white.

Jake should get ripped apart limb from limb if this is true

I’m afraid of getting Smart TVs lest they stop supporting the OS...