
Wow. Very inappropriate. You need to realize that in your job people are not going to always agree with you. If you answer them with ‘fuck off’ , you tell them that you do not have the mental capacity to challenge or debate them. Thus, everyone who reads your response will empathize with frankly.

It is symbolic of the imminent decline of the patriarchy. Don’t worry, it will be explained as ok since ghosts don’t have genitals.

Leave us not forget the etymology of the word “Amazon”:

A girl should know that Syrio is dead. He was Braavosi. That another Braavosi would have similar style hair or clothes is not unexpected.

And it's not doom64

Orrrr maybe Facebook doesn’t have automatic hooks in every law enforcement database in the world and an automated system set up to prevent people getting trolled to death did something unintended?

No. No academics are pushing for the normalization of pedophilia, not in Great Britain, not anywhere else. And I say this as a #KrautforBrexit.

Well, you know once you’ve discovered a location you can fast-travel there.

He didn’t have to catch him with the reset, that was an infinite combo — he only caught him with the reset [while he was in recovery and couldn’t tech the throw anyway] to beat the damage scaling.

My backseat driver persona popped up about two seconds in and said “you’re driving too fast.”

Indeed. There’s a pilot saying which applies to this situation perfectly:

*sings* That’s what beta testing is foooooooooor.

There are three types of homeowners who have curtains: people who have left the curtains of the previous residents stay up, weirdos and people who have something to hide.

I don’t think you know what “perfectly” means. That wheel is definitely not “perfectly” preserved. Later on in the article you write “exceptionally well preserved” which would be a more accurate headline.

Kids are really good at apps. When it comes to hardware and actually dealing with interent providers tech when a problem arises, they crumble. They are merely users, not masters, of the technology.

“Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn”

I think we all know *exactly* what people mean when they use the term “hipster”. The people who get really butthurt about the term or its meaning are generally....hipsters.