Alcohol is a hell of a habit.
Alcohol is a hell of a habit.
You can have an opinion and do the right thing.
When you have to avoid extradition and the World Court of Justice after financing the take over of Ukraine.
They’ll just kidnap mechanics.
“Severe RSV infection is more likely to happen in very young children and older adults. Up to 160,000 Americans over 65 are thought to be hospitalized by RSV annually, while up to 10,000 are killed by it.”
Sitting in a drive-thru wasting $10 on gas idling, to buy a dollar menu item.
“The PR version of the story is that Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest began the very year that Nathan Handwerker and his wife Ida first opened a wiener stand in 1916 at Coney Island”
Here’s to that guy downing a six pack, on a dare, because he’s a man-child. That way we never have to hear about his insufferable ass again.
Maybe she’s from Illinois.
True, but this guy’s name sounds like “corn sweat”.
We need more murals on walls. Down with white walls! How will people 1,000 years from now know who were were and how we liked our orgies?
Is it waterproof?
None. She’s Black.
Evil people aren’t creative or witty.
Grubl gruh brugh. Ruhbgh. Hghrgh this.
I like how mentally ill people are these days. That’s the real entertainment.
Or “The Walmart”.