
Cobie Smulders sounds like a smoked cheese.

This is like Diamond and Silk giving commentary on abortion rights.

That’s pretty much how being ingested into an engine looks.

Damn, that Italian beef for $7 sounds good right about now.

Don’t be scared. LOL!

Your mom is a great tutor.


That’s how she identifies. That’s who she is. 18% of Latinos in the US identify as White and vote Republican. You can’t change their mind of how they see themselves.

America wants more White babies, but are killing White mothers and preventing more White babies from being born by their savage practices. Always cutting off their nose to spite their face.

Uh oh, you insulted everybody’s favorite director (because Hollywood said he’s their favorite), now you’re in for it.

This will be the future of movies. Different content for different people. This way Heartland Americans won’t be offended.

Good thing he was a rich drug addict and not a poor one. America hates poor addicts, or anything poor for that matter.

Being able to afford Rolex’s makes you say shit like that.

He means he wants to sell it. He’s not crazy.

The Black guy in the cutout is so weird. Regular people tend to hold the gun straight out in front of them. Arm(s) locked and standing to the side. Also, if someone already has their gun out, they have you dead to rights. I mean unless you’re Bob Munden, you’re dead.

Don’t bring Dawn into this. She has enough problems.

This shit is reality TV.

Everything listed is what upper management does. Especially leave early.
“OK you plebes, Imma head to the - gym - I mean meeting for 5 hours. Do that work or I’ll fire you. Oh, and no overtime. Peace!” - Every boss.

Fuck. Space. It’s so bad for humans.

Looks like a Tik Tok Struggle Meal”. LOL!