
From teen shower sex scenes to Jesus. The CW is the American social fabric in TV form.

So give him the Edison, Bell, Wright Brothers treatment. Lie. Lie till it’s true. Just like all those other American “hero” inventors. America is good at making lies historic facts.

Exactly. Those aren’t real names.

“Scenes like this are signs we shouldn’t completely trust Montañez or his version of the story.” - This article paid for by PepsiCo so we don’t have to pay Montanez more money than we have to or give credit for a successful IP that we make a shit ton of money on.

“No. Otherwise you’ll be hearing from my lawyers.” - Jesus™

“I don’t get it. Is this a pitch for a movie?!” - Arnold’s agent while having a heart attack on the toilet

That mustache confirms it.

#6 Sam Barsanti

The same people that sun their anus, soak their feet in soda and press onions to their ears?

The Onion knows...

Blasphemy! Lord Grimace has the ability to assume any shape he squeezes his form into. His form is endless! Only his most loyal followers are bestowed this ability. We can slough from a chariot as we chant, “Tw’al’bf Pt’y Grimace R’lyeh Spcl’ss Lt’s Ch’sP k’ls O’ns An’Ses’m B’n!”

You can’t flee something that is the in the hearts and minds of the majority of the population of the US. Beliefs don’t have borders to flee. You will always be in proximity. But that’s the point.

Where do I donate my life savings to fund this project?

Yeah, that was my point. But that shit was till stupid. Stay focused. Blackface = bad. I know it’s hard to understand.

Blackface is never OK. But you’re the status quo and will never understand that. No one is dressing up, pretending to be a flaccid, middle aged man with no moral compass.

“It made me a better comic.” No, that was abuse and manipulation,...”
Most conservatives identify with their abusers.

Under 25's usually are.

Money over bros and optics over shows.

She’s probably schizophrenic. I have an aunt who acts like her. Very creative and very manic.