
She broke up with him because he was “bad for the brand” not because she disagreed with his ideals.

“...when it seems pretty clear that AI is absolutely not ready to replace humans even at fairly simple tasks.”
AI can perform accounting, HR and other admin duties just fine. Training it would be pretty straight forward. Will it be able drive trucks or perform warehousing? Maybe in 3 to 5 years.

Society said the same thing about the internet 25 years ago.

Too bad he didn’t fight Daniel Penny.

I thought you were going to suggest sending politicians to space. Then you went all high brow on me. LOL!

Now we can surely confirm Elon is indeed a troll. Apparently they love riddles, and bridges. Or in his case, tunnels that go nowhere.

Grandpa never had to answer a riddle to get a job.

You know what “everywhere” means? Or did you go to public school?

I can’t stand the thick consistency of my local diner’s gyro tzatziki sauce. Thee guys there always asks if I want “the juice”, but its’ chewy, smells like bleach and tastes sour. They then watch me eat it. Anyone else have that problem?

Capn’ Crunch was invented to punish.

Grifters always use artificial intelligence to convince those with low intelligence that they are smart.

The problem with Black Mirror is that all of their “dystopian” scenarios are from the perspective of wealthy people. It gives a a very clean, sterile outlook on what constitutes “horror”.

Don’t forget The America Plan as well. Where innocent women were kidnapped off the street accused of being prostitutes, spreading disease if they were not seen with men.

Well we know his mind and political views can.

Sith age faster than the rest of us.

Space Confederates!

Other than being home to the New Space Confederacy? IDK.

White people are going to be angry.

Hoarding Boomers were a bad influence on the younger genertions. Now, they don’t throw out anything!

Now playing

Good. Seems those School House Rock and Time for Timer PSAs are finally paying off.