This is a bad idea. School buses have enough problems. School districts have limited funding and kids don’t need to be stranded, especially in rural areas.
This is a bad idea. School buses have enough problems. School districts have limited funding and kids don’t need to be stranded, especially in rural areas.
Extra boiled and only the white meat.
“Is it just me who thinks that the right is making up more and more stuff to react too?”
I just lost weight from throwing up after reading your boss’s, boss’s goals.
Wait, they left the office to protest not being able to not come to the office?
Pennsylvania is the Capitol of Snackdom™. The state invented nearly every American snack, confection, and sugary beverage we consume today.
Name checks out.
You know how hard it is to fit eight, hefty Napoletanos into a submarine?
Oh, I see. I read that wrong.
This is why Rome was one of the greatest forces on earth. They didn’t complain about leftovers in their teeth. That’s called, cibus absconditus or, “a snack for later”.
A place created by mobsters with the intent to entertain the earth’s most unscrupulous, hedonistic, gluttonous, addiction prone people has horrible public transportation you say? I think the Vegas bus is the lesser of the evils there.
None of the drunken revelers in the stands noticed.
But what if, whilst seated between two drunken, beet red spectators, dry humping and guzzling boxed wine; you forget what country you are in?
This looks Showgirls bad.
Watch season 1 and 2. Then comment.
When you don’t have anyone you trust in your life to mentor you because your parents sold you to the mouse and everyone else around you is fake, you turn to a psychic. This is sad.
I see more Katie Holmes.
Nephropathy tends to originate in the X chromosome passed on from mother to child.