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I can kind of hear the similarity at the chorus.

It’s true. Give Johnny a hammer and everything looks like a nail...

It would be great if they stopped wrapping them in plastic and used wax paper or parchment instead.

I like putting the foil on my teeth and shooting low budget rap videos.

American Cheese = Edible Post-Its

He doesn’t even know how to be a Homo Sapien.

I’m saying that businesses have been trying to tap into Asia for decades and now they have a foothold and will exploit it. Workers be damned.

“When I was cast in the film, it was my first acting role, and now we’re doing a brand new version of The Color Purple, that could only happen with the perfect director, who envisioned the film like the Broadway musical, bringing in magical realism and family wholesomeness. - That Lady Who Gives Out Cars

“Blowing corn dogs out your ass is will cost you extra suga.” - Divine

It’s a gateway to billions in viewership. S. Korean shows are also dubbed in other languages. Do you know what reaching 10% of the population of Asia and S. Pacific would mean in terms of ad revenue and viewing dollars?

Nobody is fist fighting anymore. What is this, 1952? LOL!

Weird to see Denzel (Denzil) Washington old.

Because all the reckless people who were usually on the road, died in 2020 and 2021 - from being reckless.

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Do your American duty and save the peaches! Savor that peach!

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I guess they’re pointing to the hypocrisy of saying if a person can state they are ___X___ then a beer can say it’s “champagne” even if it isn’t?

Some people eat sticks of butter and cold cookie dough. It’s all perception and taste I guess.

Most people, think the majority of people think the way they do, when it is quite far from the truth. It’s why people fight over things. Knowledge may be common, but perception isn’t.

Well, they would have been aware had the stack of full cat litter boxes not fallen and buried them for a week. It was only after their 27 felines pulled them out, that they were able to respond.

By placing your copyright into a fairy pouch and having a dryad lick it. Then a stork will swoop into your home and carry it off to the wizard’s tower of patents and copyrights. There, the high wizard Bellafun will kiss the application and all will be well.

People with 10 months to a years’ worth of training with guns usually do.