“If you don’t self-snitch, how do you profit?” - Internet personalities whose lives are an open book for profit
LOL! If anyone knows about PEA, it’s that guy LOL!
It’s not hard to keep batteries from kids. If you try.
“I care for all the Mothers out there.”
Name checks out. Doing the lawd’s work and fighting inherit bias against EVs. Thank you for your service.
Americans like ‘em young...
It already happened.
Because video game companies are owned by nerds who grew up in small towns. What the fuck do they know about weed?
1 bear = 3 adult male thieves.
If a thief can break into your car, it would be no problem for a 800 lb. bear.
I feel bad for people who didn’t grow up in NYC or LA where people who look like Evans and De Armas are a daily occurrence.
No. Don’t fuck her. She might give birth to another monster.