
The GOP enforcing “state’s rights” over medical science. Bleach enemas all around!

Except the ones in red states that enjoy “state’s rights” and “freedom” to ignore medical information. These parents sound like anti-vaxx cultists.

I just hate it when people bring their support yachts to Home Depot and they shit in the hardware aisle.

I live in a red state and the fact so many people love it is telling. The controversy of them hiring minors and dodging taxes made them even more business here. They are to to cookies what Chick-Fil-A is to chicken.

Some people like cookies to be lighter than Conan O’Brien’s ass and the consistency of pancakes I guess?

I guess if you like mushy, under-baked sugar circles. They remind me of those cookies that have the consistence of pancakes you find in grocery stores.

It looks like it. Recipes with very simple, whole ingredients tend to scream pre-19th century, but everything about the royals is OLD. The older the better. They are the personification of antiquity and nostalgia.

“I just think favas are too subtle to be paired with spinach.”

“The writers always tell me that they love writing for me because they can make [Ava] say anything, and I’ll make it funny.”

Well, duh. She’s a pro comic and actress.


She cares in her way. If the school closes, she’s jobless and powerless. She’s like a dragon protecting her treasure hoard. LOL!

I put wax on mine like hockey skates.

My art teacher used to yell at me for not filling in every space in my paintings.

Who the FUCK told you that shit?! Tell me muthfuka or so help me!

No one had better not be throwing out eggs in the year 1AP (After Pandemic). Craziness. LOL!

Hang it up like the old days. At least you can crush it up dried. That vegetable bin is where herbs go to die.

What do we expect from a culture that boils everything, measures in stones and eats beans for breakfast?

OK then, don’t fuck with Black people. Duh. What’s your point?
#❤2ndAMENDMENT #ProGun #YeeHaw #GawdBlessMurica #BlacksWithGunsAreScary #Boo! LOL!

With the media dropping more stories like this each day, I’m guessing this shit happens more often than we think which is insane.

Krispy Kreme and White Castle should team up and make Castle Kremes™.
Sugar and protein all in one place for those late Friday and Weekend “excursions”.