
More like “Secure That Bag” amirite!

Children of Chinese execs, who have stolen their company’s retirement funds and fled to Canada and the US are top Ivy League candidate$$$$$. Where else do you funnel all that dirty money except through your kid’s high cost tuition and insurance of course!

You mean a guy who was born in 1892, and a Hollywood executive who built one of the most recognized studio names was a repugnant, vile person?


Life isn’t a video game. Killing isn’t a light matter. That sweet sickly smell that comes out of an open wound, the panic of seeing life leave a body in pain over and over when you close your eyes when the room is quiet. The realization you can’t take your actions back. You are then, a part of that moment. A part of

Enough said.

I too like veiny, middle-aged plastic breasts.

“They hate your guts, were forced to hire you by law, but at least you’re being paid half of what other people with less talent are getting! Why are you not grateful for crumbs and hatred?”

Would you like to know you would have NEVER been hired unless someone took a bribe to have in you in that job because they don’t want you? Jeezuz, what’s so hard to understand that excluding people based on skin color is NOT normal human behavior?

Because most Americans are like Claire Lower and will eat anything. You can’t fuck with them like that. You have to make it ridiculous to make it funny, not probable. LOL!

That’s what people don’t understand. It’s all a long con.

Guaranteed she was planning that shit from the get.
The Long Game is the only game to win.

Why is this not at the very top? Brilliant.

Extremists would kill trans people in droves.
That would be the equivalent of masturbating with a Bible on a rainbow electric vehicle, blasting Lil Nas X, while driving through the rural south.
Egging on murderers isn’t a great plan.

I think she meant “character” as in the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual - or lack thereof. LOL!

That’s why he has been untouchable for over 40 years. He intimidates judges, jury, witnesses and anyone else. If they couldn’t be threatened, he would pay them off. His Associate mob connections didn’t hurt either. 1980s were good to him.

Florida is wild as fuck.

The funniest shit so far is how he admitted that Staten Island is a haven for the shittiest people, especially cops. #TRUTH

Why would someone with 20 Ph.D.’s and over 200 careers sit around watching TV?

“Phoenix PD has been a shitshow for years, one shitty police chief after another. They never learn”

Can you imagine tattooing those tiny hands?