
This coworker, does she start every day with two Diet Cokes and a McGriddle? Loves MTG, hates MSG. Never talks about her son who is always “away, but not in the military, away and never gets to see her 6 interracial grand kids? I know her. Donna right?

Don’t forget the Wonder Twins!


But his blue blood under bite is at least a foot.

Silent Farts is my uncle’s ninja name. He’s 87 but deadly.

When I moved out of NYC was when I realized expectations of how women behaved were very different in other parts of the country. I didn’t grow up with distressed damsels and Stepford Wives, but I guess that’s a desired trait in some parts.

Constant, drunken, yelling, sitting in peanut filth, and honkey tonk birthday wishes. Woo-hoo...I mean, yee-haw I loves me some Texas Roadhouse!

Constant, drunken, yelling, sitting in peanut filth, and honkey tonk birthday wishes. Woo-hoo...I mean, yee-haw I loves me some Texas Roadhouse!

Awesome! Soon, MSG will be considered a Model Seasoning for all other seasonings to aspire to. More MSG will be seen in wealthier suburbs, attending Ivy League colleges and voting Republican.

I was hoping Stahl was going to ask Greene, at what point, modern humans diverged from her family and how she received her Homo sapiens name, ‘Marjorie”.

I was just hoping Leslie asked her how you fit a full order of Brontosaurus ribs onto her stone car without tipping it over, or when did humans actually discovered fire and branch off from her family.

No, no, it’s just economic anxiety. Lynchings, shootings and murders are just fiscal bubbles popping.

Now playing

Hiroshima was ONE bomb at roughly 10-15 kilotons.
Today’s missiles have five, 800kt to 100 megatons warheads.
The US has roughly 17,000 and Russia has around 20,000 of those.

When you see those MIRV lines in the sky just grab your ankles!

Chick-fil-A Takes A Dump On Customers While Tossing Salad
No More Side Salad After April 3rd!

More like the MethWest amirite!
High five!

I wonder how much PFAS Simply put into their Spiked™ brand of juices.

Chase, Kyle, Preston, and Shannon knew they only had 30 seconds to get the spoon. They also knew the possibility they were going to get caught.

Each armed with a drill, they quickly unbolted the nearly ten foot eating utensil. Hunter and Laura pulled up in the moving truck across the street behind a large bush and

If it’s not coated in sugar and made to be hyper-palatable, Americans won’t eat it.

I realized this when I saw my mother cry for the first time and last time. It dawned on me right there that she was holding in A LOT and for a reason I couldn’t fathom until I started reading about other women talking about their hidden pain, and society not allowing them to be vulnerable when they needed to be.