
I saw a kid licking up the spilled soda on the carpet below the soda machine once, while his mother tried to corral the other 5 kids.

Can people there, live off the wages paid at a convenience store?

How’d you know?

If you talk about anything that can be bought, in the media, then it’s both.

I like the 1975 version that looks like a inflamed testicle that smoked too much weed.

“...that his image doesn’t work for them as a sales pitch”
Being mindful and exhibiting kindness is a greater strength than forcing your will onto people and being violent toward those weaker than you.

White people think we have a hive mind. If one Black person is OK with something they begin twerking and that signals the other Blacks that it’s OK.

She had me at Karen haircut and smokey eye. Nope. She knew what she was saying.

Right. This public testimony isn’t so much for the Assholes (who know the truth but ignore it) but the Asshole’s constituents in the back. The chance that they might be swayed with correct information (especially GOP women tied to GOP men).

Hunter Biden?

Gather the fellas to meet you down in Antigua at 1AM under the cover of darkness for a “test drive”. LOL!

Like respond from the greys? LOL!

And then you wind up in prison or in a hail of gun fire. Good job, you just played yourself and didn’t address the issue; following some goofy White guy who is hyping you up to do his dirty work.

Go ahead fuck around, do a state bid, do life. Now your cowboy ass is on the inside, unable to further the cause or do

People tend to blame the victim to reason the situation as they project themselves into the situation they have no information on.

Also, society is taught to hate and distrust women.

This is true. Assholes can be victims too, no matter how we feel about them. He could have seriously injured or killed her.

There’s a great article written by ski instructor about just this very subculture.
He says some of these people pay tens of thousands of dollars to learn to ski and don’t even ski half the time. Most of the women hire them just to fuck them and rich people are the worst - as usual. LOL!

All I know is team sports is a haven of debauchery and closeted homosexuality.
I stopped playing team sports (in the early 90's) when I started seeing a lot of abuse and guys fucking each other in the showers and sexually assaulting each other, then acting like it’s nothing. They would then bash gays and trans people

Of course a White guy thinks he can speak for all minorities and thinks that violence is what we want. A violent mind seeks violence as their every solution. I realized a lot of White people think Black people want “Whitey dead”. Hey White people, guess what? You’re not that important to us. We have other things to

Mississippi has a stand your ground law that removes the duty to retreat before using deadly force in defense of oneself or another as long as the person is not the initial aggressor and is in a place they have a right to be.

Looks like a new highway patrol speed deterrent device was just invented. LOL!