*Vin Diesel feverishly takes notes*
*Vin Diesel feverishly takes notes*
Playing well and dominating the game won’t matter to assholes who just want to bitch, because they’re insecure.
I thought it was Maria Bamford as one of her characters.
Comrade Ignatius makes valid points from comfort of Middle American racially homogenous neighborhood they live in, where everyone follows laws and goes to jail willingly when fake evidence is planted and confession is forced.
Or, “Why is your attention span so short?”
Sex on TV shows is like sugar. It’s used to make stories with little taste palatable.
Make the Cosby Show but with only a single mom ‘Claire’ type and all her kids get to fulfill their dreams because she’s rich as fuuuuuu.
Which is enough to warrant that Thiel killed that guy. Self-hating, possibly psychotic, violence is usually next. He just has enough money to buy an alibi.
It would look like a lot more dead queer men whose disappearances would never be revealed because Thiel would never have been outed. Self-hating billionaires will still kill people no matter what. They just kill less when everyone knows they’re crazy.
The Drifters would also like a word. LOL!
For one thing, stop making people so pretty and symmetrical then it won’t look Uncanny Valley. Also, most video game characters are too shiny. People are ashy and have flaws. Listing left eye, sagging boobs, muffin tops, stretch marks, short limbs, veins, wrinkles, cuts, pallor and diseases.
Nicole Kidman, Julia Carey, Kim Kardashian, Jada Pinkett, Stedman Graham, Gwen Stefani?
The books keeps Hicks and Newt alive but changes their names to Wilks and Billie. They are a bad ass duo as Billie, (Newt) is now a teenager and capable of serious damage. They envoke Leon The Professional vibes as they fight to stay alive.
You had the chance to title this article, ‘Chick Fil A Tosses Its Salad’ and lost it. You had one job, Dennis!
Is that you, Gabriel Weinberg? lol
They can laugh all the way under the jail.