
Dollar Store David Schwimmer, Jesse Watters.

I didn’t need a $10K charted flight to Maryland. I’d just go out and return at 12am at 10 years old. LOL!

Ah yes, I remember those days...

“Here’s a dollar in case of emergency and a can of Chef Boyardee. Don’t burn the house down.”


Jalopnik should sell curated auto parts and cars. Or at least use AI to sort through the trash and make recommendations as a separate page.

Now playing

Yeah, they should do Earth Hive, which is in audiobook form. You can listen to it here:


No originality. They just parrot Facebook (their new religion) to appease their political lords (new kings). Just like their dirty, ignorant peasant ancestors. They love being pawns. Makes them feel needed. “Yesh, me lordt.” LOL!

If she read ‘The Black Towns’ by Norman L. Crockett, she would know that that experiment has happened time and time again. Though some success with towns like Blackdom, New Mexico; Hobson City, Alabama; Allensworth, California; and Rentiesville, Oklahoma those success stories were not throughly recorded and so

You had me at the Braffffff-ffffff-ffffff-fff.
Hard pass.

I clicked on your article thinking this about butts.

- Bob Saget and the Olsen Twins

They should take points from the novels and RPG and get away from the Prometheus and Covenant story arc. Make something new. Show us the rest of the galaxy and how we get from Alien 3 to Ressurection. Who wins The Frontier War, the fate of the United Americas, 3 World Empire and Union of Progessive Peoples get along

Paul Dini? He’s a master at juggling characters and personalities.

He’s a funny guy who knows his audience.

You jest, but that’s the next hot shittake that will come from our government.

“The Japanese have a fertility movie and its going to skyrocket their birth rates way past ‘Murican citizens!”

You know what, you’re right. I’ve gotten so used to reading ‘a parent bought a gun for a child’ and that is what my eyes read. Thank you.

I don’t think they’re ready...for that jelly.

Well, somebody’s getting riled up in NY.

Stacey Dash should give Ben Shapiro a call. Since that’s the people she’s chosen to associate herself with.

We had a fat president. We had a secret gay president, and a handicapped president. Then we had a Black president, but Donald Trump is our nation’s first Nigga President. No one likes niggas. They fuck everything up.