
These insecure, misinformed, peasants are mad because their career criminal, rapist, degenerate, former president, is going to trial.

They bought a 6 year old a gun.

“...and Flaming. Both the queer and online gaming colloquialisms. Oh, and I was the voice of Chester Cheetah because I also invented Cheetos.
- George Santos

“Kill him!”

I can’t help but laugh when old people get angry and point like this. They get madder and I laugh even more. Then they do that poking motion with their index finger after every word, like they are desperately trying to turn your laughter button off. LOL!

Maybe the author’s European. R rated movies at 14 might be cultural norm where she’s from. They tend to grow up like Tatum O’Neal.

I think he’s a fucking pedophile. Nearly the same plots and shots and content. Why does he keep featuring provocative situations with adolescent characters?

Gummo, Julien Donkey-Boy, and Spring Breakers just seemed to be a keyhole voyeurism of the same old hat that he’s interested in (which is why I didn’t watch

Anytime you mention Steve Doocy it’s called, Droppin’ a Doocy.

Ah yes, small town America! Where gruesome and tragic events are played off as “goofin’” and “joshin’”. Small Town America! Where everyone keeps their mouths shut and just shrugs, lest the wrath of the local sheriff, politician or business man and his henchmen visit you.

Discourse? It was more of a vomitorium of insecurities and femicidal fantasies.

Ya’ll’Queda is gaining traction I see. Soon girls and women will have to dress like Little House on The Prairie and not be seen alone in the streets unless accompanied by a Bubba. Praise be and blessed be the fruit...

Then they will ban them from sports, then science, then school, and from going outside alone and then at certain times of the day and then Florida will finally be Syria! Yeah!

Doesn’t the Bible say not to make graven images?

Eva Longoria could fart into a balloon on stage and I’d give her a standing ovation.

“Hyperpalatable foods are specifically designed to enact a “supernormal stimuli” response in the brain through the release of dopamine [...] These man-made, fake, hyperpalatable foods flood our brain with dopamine to keep us constantly craving and addicted to these products.9 Sugar industry scientists create foods

#Gochujang-gang! Agreed.

The good ones don’t last long...

An African woman as co-host. That should go over real well with Brits who are known for their racial temperance and love of dark skin - and women.