
Catering in NYC was always a blast. Got to meet a bunch of stars and celebrities. Watching so called “fancy” people act like trashy pigs and getting to gorge myself on decadent food was fun. Wait staff hustling old people out of money, coke snorts under the table, and lacivious cougars tipping hundreds just to touch

*Looks up Beatrice Dalle*
Looks like Fran Drescher and Mike Tyson had a face.

What do you mean? That’s obviously the face of a stable genius. LOL!

Before you enter a Florida building throw a lightbulb on the floor and wait for the gun fire to erupt, then go in and take/do what you want after everyone is dead or ran away.

“Best vacation ever! No lines!

They need to ship him to Russia. Let them have him.

You should see what they do when a glass breaks or a 2x4 hits the ground near them.

This here is gawd fearin’ Red Blooded ‘Merican shootin from your car while standin’ your ground - which is incidentally moving beneath you at 90MPH.

The benefit to rolling coal is it acts like a smoke screen so people can’t shoot at you from their moving vehicle while they “Stand their ground”.

Don’t you have to be standing and on the ground, to “Stand your ground?” Not in a moving vehicle endangering everyone else on the road? Hmm. I guess physics works different in Florida.

I like all these “I almost hit that guy” or “I almost lost my temper” stories.
Real Blue Steel level coolness that amounted to nothing. Sure, they “almost” did something, then they remembered their career$.

“Blue waffles for my friends and family!” - GP

It’s a Celtic knot of administrations. You wouldn’t understand.

Bobby Caldwell looked like a combination of Norman Fell and Harry Connick Jr.

Those poor crackers.

“Give the peasants gated neighborhoods, charter schools, guns, beer, big screen TVs, football games and they still rebel!” - American Government

Uh oh, rural Red Blooded American commenters will be furious. LOL!

I have been following Luther as one of my favorite detective shows on TV and can say it was pretty good. Though, over all, the movie pace felt rushed to establish a character and then conclude the story. The ending felt a bit lacking and all the characters felt a bit pushed into frame just to have a line.

Well have I got news for you! LOL

“Surprise me.”
“OK. On today’s menu we have...”

Crime is population based. There’s stuff like this all over the US. Just in different proportions.