
Sub-$4 LED bulbs are already here; Check your local power company and see if they have special subsidized deals, for example:

My latest laptop doesn't even have one; why bother increasing the thickness and weight if I don't need it on-the-go?

As a righty, I love these pens, they are my favorite. I keep a stock of them locked up because they get stolen by other family members all too often!

Something tells me there's an ulterior motive for this article...

Oh sure, it's all fun and games until you have to change out the batteries.

Hey, remember the time that Steve Jobs said "Oh sorry guys, iWork sucks, you should use Microsoft Office instead"?

What good is a food processor if it doesn't have a feed tube, or "cheese chimney"?

Say no more:

What? No Mac vs PC arguments? Kudos, Gizmodo commenters!

I think he's referring to the first paragraph.

Came here to say exactly this, glad others agree.

When I think of Comic Sans, I think of this.

Now playing

There's nothing wrong with Germans on the Metro...

All right, who got

Will this also have similar support for high-res displays on Windows? My Zenbook Prime's 13" 1080p display is sometimes a little TOO high-res for my tired eyes...

Now playing

Don't worry, Amazon Yesterday Shipping is still alive and well.

No. Stoppit.

I don't think it's possible to get over this R.E.M. disorder...

"App" is short for "Application", which is a program designed to help a user perform a certain task.

It's about time, too. This long-standing high-latency bug is the reason that iOS has had the advantage over Android in the prosumer audio field.