
I read the headline as "Glowing Bacon". Slightly disappointed with the results.

I have always been a fan of using toilet paper rolls as cable organizers, but it never once dawned on me to put them in a grid like in the picture above.

If you get rid of stars, how will people know I'm better than they are?

Does no one else see the sketch-factor in these Square devices? Some street merchant wants to swipe my credit card through their iPhone, and I'm supposed to just think there's no possible way they're skimming?

And yet Sean Fanning still walks free...

The question is, does Skrillex agree with you?


I recently put a 128gb Samsung 830 SSD in my laptop, and couldn't be happier with the performance's like a whole new machine!

They're usually clusters of coarse, brownish imperfections on the surface of the rind. I also concur with this method, as finding the largest clusters of these marks means that bugs have detected the sweetest melon for you.

And yet, still only two ears on my head...

My microwave has a "Soft/Melt" button, Option 3 perfectly softens a stick of butter every time.

VOTE Linksys e3000 with Tomato USB firmware.

So WP7 has just been Kinned.

It's not just about having the button, but having a 2-stage button.

Never rule out a good, healthy mistrust of the US Government.

It's not really the "same" phenomena, generally what you're seeing are neighboring phosphors or RGB pixels illuminated at the edge of the white lines.

It's a real shame that the bulk of the True Blood Nudity Budget was spent on Sam, Jason, and Andy's ass in this episode.

Pro: Pam calls it "Super Snatch"

Another season of precious fairy vagina!