
In that vein, The Whole Nine Yards is such a better movie than it should be. Most of the cast makes the choices they should make throughout and execute well. Most of the interesting choices that make that movie good seem to have come from Perry though.

I miss Space Invaders Infinity Gene

Many, many childhood hours on 720. A few cool things:

I’ve got a retrousb avs I like for NES and famicom cartridges.

Seems strange to recommend the Analogues over the other options.

Also blitzkrieg bop instead of gangsters paradise is a much better choice.

Bullshit. That guy was the Quentin Tarrantino of the afterlife: he put his actor at risk of physical harm in order to fulfill his “vision.” I vacuumed him up with glee.

First time I played Journey, I played it all in one sitting while toking. This was back in my ‘youth’.

It’s Taco Tuesday, everybody.

Cheap, compact, extra port.

Cheap, compact, extra port.

Reads article about Note 10 customization. Sees *nothing* about Good Lock. Also sees author made typo of calling 1440p 4K rather than 2K. Throws the whole article away.

And we’re done, pack it up folks. No need for further suggestions or voting.

And we’re done, pack it up folks. No need for further suggestions or voting.

Large binder clips. They’re cheap to free if you can “borrow” them from work and fill all of the job requirements.

Large binder clips. They’re cheap to free if you can “borrow” them from work and fill all of the job requirements.


Disc rot is a real issue and there are a lot of people who think they have physical backups on disc and boy are they going to be angry if they ever need them.

You asked so kindly, so sure.

Great article.

I seriously don’t get this. I have 1 home, a hub and 3 minis. Maybe 2% of the time I need to repeat myself. Maybe 5% of the time the wrong device replies (not counting my phone). I cannot even recall the last time I got an incorrect response.