
Except there actually is a 2nd FPGA in the Analogue Pocket:

Odds of winning if you don’t play are 0%
Odds of winning if you do play are better than that, but still essentially 0%

I think one thing that gets overlooked in most of these articles isn’t so much that Disney spoke up against DeSantis’ terrible bill.

Surely by now, everyone has forgotten about Netflix’s recommendation assistant from 2013, also named “Max”

This is the most important lesson that Edward Scissorhands was trying to teach us.

with all the accessories and exorbitant shipping costs, orders for these fancy $200 game boys added up faster than an DoorDash order

“if you REALLY knew me, you’d know what’s wrong"

Those are called “headchopper elements” and coaster enthusiasts LOVE THEM

Looks only SLIGHTLY less painful than riding the original!

There are still parents who don’t understand that Mario isn’t on Xbox, how does Microsoft expect them to know the difference between One/Series and S/X?

This is a good call, a whole lot cheaper than Analogue NT

I’m surprised no mention mf MiSTer... FPGA simulation is far and away superior to Raspberry Pi or SoC emulation, and the customization options are endless!
I built this little fella last week and couldn’t be happier with a “Retro gaming” console:

I feel like this list is incomplete without Ensign Robin Lefler...

Notice how both of these idiots have cases on their phones (to protect from the occasional drop) and the guy wearing sunglasses (to protect himself from harmful UV rays)...

But are disingenuous enough to forego wearing a mask during a pandemic.

Wouldn’t that have been Nintendo and UbiSoft?

I have to admit, this tugged at my heartstrings and made me laugh out loud.

No love for Donut County?  You get to be a hole...A FREAKIN’ HOLE!

I never got to see this, but I did get to enjoy Star Trek Adventure at Universal Studios Hollywood...

Install a spoiler, exhaust tip, and a Type R sticker.

Oh wait, this isn’t Jalopnik...