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I'm just going to leave this right here...

Let's see Paul Allen's card

$34 for a text editor?

Seems to me that having metal basket tines between the plug in your hand and the destination outlet is a fantastic way to cause a short circuit, a fire, injury, or death.

This will go nicely with the flesh-colored novelty testicles hanging off the axle of my old Ford F-350.

While I do love my dogs, and I'm pretty sure they love me...I think what goes on in their brains should probably remain a mystery...

Sounds like a guacamole get-together in Seattle. I'm in!

You sire deserve more stars. MOAR STARS FOR THIS MAN PLEASE.

You give too much credit to Apple, but you forget that Asus' optical-less eeePC preceded the Macbook Air.

So, no actual floating water tentacle heads were found, then?

Good riddance. It's time for optical media to die anyways.

That sucks because I could use some of the former and none of the latter.

+1 for Brother printers.

The light fixture is truly one of the most awesome things I've ever seen, and I will stop at nothing to make it mine.

So in other words...

You can always count on Gizmodo to give you the straight poop on a story; regular ol' stool pigeons, they are.

It's nice to see that Howie Mandel is doing something worthwhile.

All right, let's just get these out of the way

I agree, Amazon CloudDrive is also a contender, with 20gb of storage for $20, and unlimited storage for music, it's a pretty good deal.

That's a crazy Japanese game show called "Dero", I think the floor is made to look deeper with CGI, but they show all the contestants after the show and they seem uninjured.