
That's pretty cool...but what else does it do?

Mr. Blurry Cam, meet Mr. Filthy Hands.


I generally buy a Magnum 5 razor at Costco with 25 refills for $18 every year or so.

I would like to nominate Sam Spratt for the job.

Less than 51 years to go, my friend.

Each of those monitors are Acer brand. That's all I can tell from this angle...

Question marks are good for kids, they make them curious so that they can learn more.

Also, since when is Jessica Rabbit a "Disney Princess"?

Why is Pocahontas asian?

Yeah, but...WALLPAPER...

I already have this miraculous beverage dispenser in my kitchen that doesn't require me to purchase expensive CO2 cartridges, syrup refills, or takes up any additional counter space...

I have to admit, the sound this machine makes is pretty bad-ass.

If cable companies are wondering why people are cancelling their subscriptions en masse, there are 5 reasons right here...

Sprint introduced the $10 "Premium Data" surcharge when they introduced the original Evo 4G, and soon after started tacking it onto other smartphone plans, starting in January 2011.

Actually, any "smartphone" is $10 a month, whether it has Wimax, LTE or not.

The audio situation in Android is improving, as is the app selection. It's still not iOS, which was built from the ground up to be an iPod, but it's getting closer.


Want to "democratize" even further?