
Victory! Victory for Zim!

IRC is to this day my preferred "social network"...

My new pet name for my wife is now "Never-ending pancakes from IHOP"


I used to use K9 Web Protection ([]) for my daughter's PC, which works very well; unfortunately it lacks any sort of remote administration, so I abandoned it.

Vote: Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7

I can't wait to receive my first crudely-drawn penis "scribble".

An alternative, non-reactionary explanation is that the studios legal departments are joining torrent swarms for the sole purpose of obtaining IPs to send DMCA subpoenas to.

Nice work, thank you.

Seems like a opt-in, opt-out kinda thing, just like Spotify...I'm not ashamed of the music I listen to, not ashamed of the videos I watch.

I'm just guessing by the AT&T logo emblazoned across the top of the phone that it runs on that network.

I've had no problems B&M getting businesses to accept the digital recreations, as long as the barcode is preserved, so that they can scan and verify its authenticity.

As someone who has used (and subsequently fallen out of using) Neat Receipts, is there a way to import THAT information?

Indeed he was.

I paid $75 for my V-Moda Crossfade LPs fairly recently, and couldn't be happier. They sound nice with lots of range, and they feel like I'm being hugged sweetly by the golden palace of the Himalayas.

I've seen the original trilogy in the theatres, and Episodes 1 & 2, watched Episode 3 on DVD.

Didn't this exact same thing happen when AT&T first released the iPhone?

In Soviet Russia, Nintendo cartridges blew you!