
Also a selling point: Apple TVs don't have that totally sweet fabric flap hanging off of them.

I have the OG Galaxy Tab, and I feel like the 7" form factor is the way to go, it's easily pocketable, plenty of screen real estate, and makes for a very nice reading form factor.

"My master made me this collar. He is a good and smart master and he made me this collar so that I may speak. SQUIRREL!"

Thank you, cc.

Anyone else getting a ton of buffering in the video stream?

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Can I get more Twixtor videos off of Qwixster?


Windows 3.1 was good?

"He’s not just a regular moron. He’s the product of the greatest minds of a generation working together with the express purpose of building the dumbest moron who ever lived."

I am in love with this idea! Dual-booting is always so messy and usually ends up with rebuilding the partition table when things inevitably go to pot with the secondary OS.

I was pretty impressed with the LED Nite Ize for my Mini Mags, so I bought the combo with the Smart Switch, which is awesome.

Oh good, your slow clap processor made it into this thing.


Killer cell.


Is it really "four easy steps" to remove malware if the first 3 steps are "Prevent, Prevent, and Prevent?"

hahaha $12.95...

I was wondering when this was going to happen, since every streaming music service I've ever used (Rhapsody, Pandora, Napster, Rdio, Spotify) has basically the same limit.