
Carry ons are a big part of the problem (boarding and exiting). Ive been travelling by plane for over 40 years now and the as the amount of s&*t people carry goes up the process for getting on and off gets slower and uglier. I know margins are tight, but for the love of all that is holy airlines please allow people

Not shown, the load toppling over from the unexpected acceleration. ;-)

Come on, if you’re gonna street race do it in the empty part of Detroit where the only people you can harm are yourself and the other driver and the cops are near enough that if you’re in need of medical assistance you can get it.

“No theft crime is a capital crime unless murder is committed while participating in the robbery.”

Here’s where I stand on it: If he hadn’t broken into her car, she would not have tried to run him over. Unless you can convince me that she had been searching out someone to run over prior to that, then in my view, this guy’s fate was completely his own making.

Dick picks?

If you find the car, you can give the Porsche-misplacer named Justin a call at 732-865-2065.

Maybe stop airing ads that tell consumers “it’s ok to dick around on your phone, sing with your eyes closed, put on makeup, or whatever the fuck else you want to do because our car will keep you safe!” Because what we need is more shitty, distracted drivers on the road.

Little known fact: this is how the Forester was born.

Looks like Toyota will be the family car to go to since Honda is being a pussy and taking the V6 from the Accord for 2018. I actually liked the previous gen (current) Camry SE/XSE. It was comfortable for what it was.

Sometimes outside car thermometers are so inaccurate that they feel like random number generators. They’re basically the worst feature of the car, next to the car’s infotainment systems. That’s because [...] they’re actually thermistors.

ONLY 6,000 are being made? Wow, something that rare, no wonder there are people lined up willing to pay thousands, no, TENS of thousands over sticker......

And this is why dealers are cancer. I can’t wait until the dealership model is obsolete, most of them deserve to go out of business. It’s 2017, I can’t see why people can’t just buy directly from the manufacturer. The only thing stopping that are lame state laws.

Agreed... but it’s gonna bite the entire economy in the ass when people start to default on those loans. I have many college graduate, professional friends who I’ve known that got in way over their heads on car payments with long term loans... imagine people who never reached algebra. That’s a sizeable chunk of our

The fact that the math isn’t easy for a lot of people is a failure of our education system.

The car buying process is so broken that you make your living charging consumers to negotiate the process on their behalf. For you to absolve dealers from all reaponsibility is almost mind boggling. And, knowing what you do about the coming sub-prime auto loan crisis, your failure to hold the banks responsible for

My point is simply that the math is not easy for many people... hence the profit margins of these contracts and why they’re pushed. Combine that with a scenario like mine, where a handshake agreement is made with an agent after negotiating and there’s no expectation of a bait and switch on that walk back and forth to

“but I don’t blame the dealers and I don’t blame the banks.”

Try tint if itis legal in your state. It makes a huge difference with side mirror and review glare.