
Went to a couple and have never been able to sit in a Ferrari. Stopped going.

Bullshit. Mazda CX-5 hatch strut recall. Took 5 months for the dealer to get the part. Still waiting on an airbag replacement for another car. The problem is the recall parts are not making it to dealers fast enough. I hope lawyers are suing the shit out of everyone when a recall repair can not be done immediately or

I disagree.

Get a library card the download Overdrive. Listen to audiobooks for free. It will seriously change long road trips into an enjoyable experience.

Can we stop focusing on all the autonomous tech and focus on cheap EV’s already. No one wants the price of a cheap EV inflated by this tech.

Absolutely 100% agree! The reason I bring in my car to the dealer is because I don’t have time to fix it myself at that moment or it is a job I don’t want to do. I know it costs money and am happy to pay it.

Stock price. Good or bad the reservation numbers will lead to all kinds of speculation on the stock. Too few? Sell because the profit outlook is lower than the stock price is worth. Too high? Long customer waits will turn people off to the brand and therefore the stock will go down. It’s a bad idea to release the

#5. Probably doesn’t happen at you dealership but it certainly does at others. Agreed on a price with the service advisor to have an oil change, oil pan gasket and pvc valve (buried on a 98 civic lx) done. Bill is $55 higher for “miscellaneous shop consumables.” Service advisor straight up said, “I can’t do anything

I dunno. Back when we used to hang people in the city square sounds like a pretty effective deterrent to me. The death penalty as it stands today is totally ineffective.

I respectfully disagree. If someone went to prison then they are obviously bad for society. Trying to escape proves they are not being rehabilitated. I see life sentences as pointless. Get it over already. No need for law abiding tax payers to spend money waiting for someone to die of natural causes.

Glad it is not serious but man I wish we would stop this nuclear is clean energy crap. It costs billions to deal with the spent fuel every year and we still have no better options than burying it in the ground. Renewables are not to perfect answer but they sure as hell are a lot better than nuclear. I wish they we

Wha? They already do this. Ground tire rubber is a common additive. Do some research.

The problem with this is that it does nothing for the oxidized liquid binder or the small molecule hydrocarbons lost due to volatility. IR asphalt repair has been done for years and they use a “rejuvenating” oil for a reason. The researchers fundamentally do not understand the problem.

NC bus drivers are some of the worst drivers I have ever seen on the road. I am not surprised.

I got ya. Glad we have people like you shedding light on these topics. On a side note metals of fine particle size will agglomerate well below their melting point reducing catalytic efficiency. For example silver has a melting point of 961C but when finely dispersed on a catalyst carrier will agglomerate at as low

The melting point of the metals is not the issue it is the cordierite structure they are supported on. At about 1200C it will loose its structural integrity.

I can’t believe all of these cars haven’t been stripped by now. Man thieves are getting lazy these days.

This thing would never pass inspection.

I thought lithium batteries were not allowed in checked bags?

You make it sound like inspection shops are in the safety business. They are not. They are in the business of selling parts to make money. This conflict of interest can not be resolved. I grew up in Michigan and now live North Carolina where they require inspections. Hate it. Yes I know my power steering rack is