
and most people who seem to shame mothers are other mothers who feel the need to show the internet that they are the Superior Mothers with Superior Parenting Skills who are Doing Everything Right For Their Wee Litle Special Snowflake

“Congrats, I wish you well!” — is the only appropriate response from anyone who is not Chrissy Teigen, John Legend, or her doctor.

That’s too large for a single baby? I was expecting the comments to be about how she is too thin for a pregnant woman. And it’s the opposite? Have these people ever seen a woman pregnant with twins before? They are HUUUUUUGGGEEEE. They could be the skinniest, tiniest little women but their “baby bump” looks like they

“Get out of my uterus” is my battle cry, too. HEY CHRISSY WE’RE THE SAME.

Can’t pregnant woman, just be pregnant? ?

What’s wrong with “baby bump”? “The shifting contours of a pregnant woman’s body” just isn’t catchy enough, imo.

I’m pretty sure that’s an incredibly reasonable size for what, 22-25 weeks? I’m 15 and mine’s only an inch or so smaller than that (and not more than an inch bigger than my normal stomach pooch). What is wrong with people?

Get out of my uterus!

People are the worst, but here is a cat hugging a toy.

That Jennifer Lawrence commented on pay discrepancy between her and her male co-stars, one of whom was Bradley Cooper, who decided to come out and comment on the issue and say he agrees that the discrepancy is bad? And if he has clout to help fix that problem, that he’s willing to do so?

And let’s also acknowledge that modern warfare is evolving away from favoring brute strength toward favoring guile and strategic reasoning. If they just want disposable mules then reinstate the draft.

Though I understand historical reasons for excluding women from combat, reports/studies like these simply make no sense to me given modern standards.

I assume you meant “private” but now i’m imagining a pirate taxi firm and i’m delighted so thank you for that. Would definitely take a PirateCab for all occasions.

Yay for your husband! I am going to make a wild and crazy prediction, that turnover in his location will be a fraction of the average in other stores. Retail is awful, but, he is doing his part to make his store not as heinous. It sounds like he’s good at what he does.

My parents were both clueless white-collar workers in engineering and finance. My mom only knew about OSHA violations and unions because she would occasionally have to go down to the floor to see what was happening with a new project, would need to wear steel toed boots, and have on safety goggles. Neither of them


No, no; it’s the TEACHERS and other PUBLIC EMPLOYEES that are greedy, not Walker!

I mean I should delete that comment but honestly “fucking kites” is making me laugh so hard we’re just gonna let it stay for a sec

Kites are the worst. Sometimes I wish I could just clip all their strings.

This douchenozzle runs on a CONSERVATIVE ticket. What about this is conservative? Do I not grasp the actual definition of conservative? I live in his god-damned state, making less than $20,000 a YEAR and struggling to make it day to day and he gets to spend $6.5 MILLION DOLLARS in 70 days? Gee, I wonder what $6.5