
Who out there is dipping stuff in Franks or Valentina’s?

Who out there is dipping stuff in Franks or Valentina’s?

Fun fact not mentioned in the link, Nabisco was formerly named the National Biscuit Company.

I’m ready!

Boy Scout popcorn sucks.

How do the boy scouts not figure this out? Lol, my brother in law is in the boy scouts and we buy popcorn from him every year. Every year it is just as disappointing. We spend like over $6o and get to tins that are maybe halfway full? Some things you are ok with getting ripped off because you know you’re helping a

You missed a chance to say “Stick to sprouts!”

With very little effort I could look like Meat Loaf in Fight Club. My trainer tells me all I'd have to do is take off my shirt. That said, I don't want to put forth that effort.

What clock gave this numbnuts his 15 minutes so I can destroy it?

Some time later, in the back of a car, Wilson looks into the camera wide-eyed to proclaim, “Apple ... Applebee’s ... Applebee’s was sick! You get ... dog! [?] Gugh!”

THIS THIS THIS. I don’t even work in entertainment or in LA or NY and I have known for years that Weinstein is a creep who utilized the ‘casting couch’ and womanized and intimidated young actresses. *Every body* knew, in and out of the industry. She’s telling all of us she never googled her gross husband’s name and

Georgina Chapman had consensual sex with Harvey Weinstein, got her fashion line funded, pretended she knew nothing about his criminal behavior, and walked away with millions. Annabella Sciorra doesn’t have a career anymore. Who gives a fuck who Chapman is dating? She clearly has no issue banging sexual predators so

I dunno ... maybe “these fuckers are fucking stupid” are sufficient words

or “Grounds for promotion”

I do know that there’s salt-free Mrs. Dash. I know this because the whole point of Mrs. Dash is to be a salt-free alternative seasoning.

I loved BTS when they toured with The Guess Who in the late 1970s.

These videos rely on the same principle as sitcoms like The Big Bang Theory: if you can mimic the cadences of someone saying something witty, you can sometimes trick people into thinking you actually told a joke.


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Look at YouTube The Company Man channel; when an otherwise solid company seems to go sour, it seems it usually has a Private Equity firm behind it.

The Eater Chicago article explains it all quite succinctly:

But the economy is strong!” continues to be parroted despite nobody in the middle class getting a piece of said “strong economy.” We in the US live in a service-based economy, you can’t really have that if nobody has money to pay for these services. Can’t afford milk? Dairies go out of business. Can’t afford