
After decades of dealing with insurance companies, I firmly believe that any difficulty you or your doctor has with them is absolutely a feature, not a bug. They hope you get frustrated and just end up paying for it yourself or miss a hoop you were required to jump through (it was all there in your 140 page, non-search

Not only that, but more people than ever are ordering forced by their health insurance companies to order their prescriptions by mail

So fun, semi related anecdote. The guy who owned the store I work at had two daughters, roughly the same space between Sasha and Malia. The older daughter was cool as hell with the staff and never pulled her dad’s name out when things weren’t going her way. The younger daughter, however, would berate staff when she

I mean, sure, he shot the sheriffs. But at least he didn’t shoot the deputies.

Oddly enough he sold it back to gamestop for $13 in store credit.

But what do they get when he opens a new restaurant next week? this seems like a very obvious and gross way to get out of having to pay. 

Yaaaassss! Thank you for the Desus and Mero link from Viceland days! That was a golden era.

He ain’t taking care of himself or his chicken.

I always bully the shit out of the Marty at my Stop & Shop. He always manages to get in my way every... god... damn... time... Which is made worse by the city weekenders that will hoard around it like it’s a museum piece at the end of an aisle so it becomes trapped between three or four Manhattan’ites and me trying to

I hate Marty. Marty always gets in my way when I’m trying to shop. Sometimes he’s up front near the registers and if there are lines he ends up blocking the aisle for everyone. He’s worse than a spill himself!

I thought that was the tradeoff? You wait 3 hours in the ER and in return you get to restock your home first aid kit. Maybe it’s a Canadian thing.

That’s quite the erection, and it sounds like they will have a huge cock when it’s fully grown.

If I can't gnaw the meat off a bone like a medieval heathen, it's not a wing, dammit

I was at a casual Japanese restaurant with my parent’s last week and a middle aged couple sat down in a booth across the entire dining room from us. The woman takes out a cellphone and starts yelling in to it, “I JUST BOUGHT 30 EGGS!” She then starts to recite her entire shopping list to the unknown person on her

My fondest memory of Geraldo was when he invited white supremacist Tom Metzger on his show and Roy Innis was there. Roy got in that dude’s face and started to choke him, the look of sheer panic on his face was priceless. Like “Oh no I’ve insulted this black man and now he’s gonna kick my ass.” Help. Geraldo got his

I don’t really care about the deficit, but it is worth noting that the deficit increased under Reagan (who helped popularize deficit fear mongering), H.W., and W., and are increasing under Trump even as the Republican majority in Congress is filled with Tea Partiers who are bemoaned by Congress. Meanwhile, the

Username appropriateness: Appropriate.

I was already behind schedule when my workers decided to go on strike due to poor safety conditions. One more missed deadline and I’d be fired by the board. I tried to win some good will by giving workers extra rations, but it wasn’t enough. They were out of patience and I was out of time. So I promised to pass a law

Good God...why...

Not peak Simpsons, though!