
Did you just pound a case of Sobe you've had in your garage since 2004 and put all of the trite aphorisms from the underside of the caps in one post? 

I’ve gotten to try a few, as they’re poured at a local beer festival here. The thing is, it’s okay. It’s not amazing. It’s overly sweet, boozy, and drinks more like a port or an amaro than it does a beer. The novelty of it is nice, and if you can find somewhere that sells it by the pour (a local bar no longer around

Should have punished them and made them use kinja.

Aaaaaahhhhh...I can watch it forever. Like a drink of cool water on a hot and racist day.

Absolutely wild seeing Trevor without hair. I typically give him the shittiest mullet available.

And all these monsters got charged with was “negligent homicide.” Absolute monsters.

“I can’t breathe. I have my ID right here. My name is Elijah McClain. That’s my house. I was just going home. I’m an introvert. I’m just different. That’s all. I’m so sorry. I have no gun. I don’t do that stuff. I don’t do any fighting. Why are you attacking me? I don’t even kill flies! I don’t eat meat! But I don’t

The first thing that title made me picture was actual beef growing around the fan exhaust ports of consoles and PCs. If game tech could do that I think we would be on to something.

Too soon?

I just read up on this guy: he lies about everything.

I just need everyone to know that my brain processed this headline as “Elizabeth Smart Accuses Ex-Boyfriend Thanos of Abuse.”

Extreme blandness can be it’s own kind of offensive.

You don’t like good fries?

You could have Irvin and Stephen A on mute and still feel like you need to turn down the volume.

Can we just hire Levar Burton and get it over with?

Forget where are they getting the crates from, it is prison so they likely have them, where were the damn CO’s?

Someone leaked a draft of his acceptance speech:

And I’d like PETA to stop euthanizing healthy animals in their kill shelters, dumping their carcasses in dumpsters and stealing people companion animals off their porches when no one’s looking so that they can be euthanized as well. But we can’t always get what we want.

In all honesty, it’s not a bad request and I’d be

Back when I was a firefighter/EMT many of the hospitals had some really ‘interesting’ patient files, photos, x-rays, or even some ‘objects’ well hidden around somewhere (usually in a break room) to be quietly enjoyed by people wishing to “study”highly unusual cases’. From what I understood, it was a standard

As a former imaging (x-ray) tech, I can attest to the variety and weirdness of the objects that people will shove up their bodily orifices for purposes of sexual gratification.