Based on this footage I think I could take either guy.
Based on this footage I think I could take either guy.
That was my first thought too. What’s under her ass? Is that a seatbelt? Seems like that would be uncomfortable, probably leave a mark.
So I was just Googling underboob making a comeback?
If I was the marrying kind, I thank the Lord I’m not so, the kind of man that I would be would be a rugby...
You ask me, that’s some good dadding.
In for a penny, in for a pound.
I know you’re obligated to continue the Deadspin narrative re “silly rules” but bunting in the 6th inning with one out is not exactly a laugh in the face.
Coming soon from Giri Nathan...
Not that bad!
Downloading an electronic copy from the library and reading it on my tablet was even cheaper than the paperback Drew...
Awesome, I knew LeBron was the real winner here.
not really strange, just effective trolling.
Show me one video with Rihanna where Rihanna is NOT the best thing in the video.
I would love to have like a 50lb pet elephant. How cool would that be? You could probably train them to get you stuff from the fridge, they could shoot water at the kids, sit next to you as you scratch their many possibilities.
I didn’t see an “attack” or a “fight,” are we talking about the same thing? What the hell is going on out there?!? Where are we?
News flash...balls exist.