andy has very red hair...very red
andy has very red hair...very red
Shaina’s mom nailed it.
“Honestly at this point we don’t deserve his help, we’ve done this to ourselves”
Yes, the pic is all about the booty and yes, the booty does look tremendous.
And...after he spent considerable time praising “future hall of famer” Adrian Peterson. I guess he’s cool with hitting a 5 year old with a stick.
(I wonder what those sports have in common?)
I think Peter Wolf put it best...
He should try being imprisoned in some palace in Kensington Philadelphia.
The Marlin has no eye-dea.
What are two things that are both comical and horrifying?
Wishful thinking...he’ll be senator of Alabama in 2020.
yeah, it’s weird when you get used to how someone looks when they’re in their 20's and when you see them 40 years later they look all old and shit.
It’s crazy that people would be divided with some devoted to a racist, vindictive boss and others that want him to go the fuck away for good.
Sounds like an old horror movie that should be playing at the Vegas Multiplex.
You really have to be whacked out of your mind to make Lou Dobbs look like the voice of reason.
If this guy ever gets elected president, we will soon here things like, only three presidents in history have ever accomplished this, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Steve Pearce.
Absolutely, I mean it seems kinda silly since he just made a jump shot, but the reaction of the fans (and from me watching at home) was genuine support and encouragement.
Seriously, at least Jessup was “on that wall.” He was a mean bastard, but at least he had a code. Kavanaugh’s just a mean dickhead.