I believe, possibly, that it may be inappropriate at this time to respond definitively to this question.
I believe, possibly, that it may be inappropriate at this time to respond definitively to this question.
Look at yourself, McKennan. Look at that team. I mean, why don’t you do this league a favor? You and the Phils just drop out. I mean it. I mean just... just drop out. I mean it.
Recommending blades for a beginning golfer is like the equivalent of telling a writer they need to use a manual typewriter to, I don’t know... feel the exquisite pleasure of a well struck key.
Isn’t talking about politics the same thing as talking about boobs anyway?
that was awesome, clap clap clap clap clap!
Hey, hey hey...why so many posts about Dwayne...What’s Happening?
The problem is that there is a typo in your search...it’s PGA, not LPGA.
Yeah, I have a car that’s new to me with two big drill holes in the front bumper from the previous owner. Wtf? Suggestions on a fix?
Hannity and Tucker will LOVE this story.
yeah, if Cam did this, you just know there would be quotes about him rolling up on the velvet rope club with his boys and buying a bunch of top-shelf booze.
More like unfair Eastside...amirite?
Do you see? Do you see how much of an asshole I look like because of those ellipses at the end. It’s an epidemic.
I can see him getting destroyed in the early going of the primary, even getting knocked flat on his back. Then BAM! He’s sits up, unfazed by the beating he just took.
‘The hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who in time of moral crisis preserve their neutrality.’
I read this while eating one of those new super wop Subway dago sandwiches...and it really hit home. I got up off the stoop to tell Vito and Uncle Lou all about it and they agree too.
“whose name resembles that of a third-shift Waffle House waitress”
Acting like a moron is just part of Ric Flair’s natcha.