Slogan Comparison:
Slogan Comparison:
Ok, so this is one of the goddamn how do you survive the goddamn parties for your side of the family and then for her side of the family? Have them together? 50 goddamn people in your goddamn giant fucking house? A goddamn BBQ? In fucking January! Pizza/hoagies/soda/beer/wine for two 25 person…
I hate when people think they can be insulting when they insult somebody.
Being a stay at home mom when there are no kids at home is a sweet fucking gig...I'm jealous.
Alex: Correct Kathy!
I thought Jackie Robinson breaking barriers was supposed to be a good thing?
No, millennials (you people) don't get to claim Jon Stewart.
No need for violence, he should have just let the air of his tires.
Imagine a world where ties didn't exist, then someone comes in and says, "You know what we should do guys? How about we find some pieces of silk, with bright shiny colors and fancy patterns, and we tie them around our necks, with intricate little knots, wear them real tight up around our necks, right up to our…
If I could accomplish one thing in life it would be to accentuate the colors and patterns of my outfit and complement my figure with a properly tied tie.
" In the brutal heat of midsummer, he'd be the only kid at a tournament in khakis, and even when he came close to passing out, he'd never succumb."
Looks like Goodell has got a ton of crackers stuffed into his briefcase...he must be working really hard.
Be careful...if there weren't stupid reporters writing about dumb athletes what would you have to snark on?
Something else well past the point of being tiresome? The term BALLGHAZI.
Um, youse guys need ta google shareholders...
I think a movie would have to kill his dog for Will to give it an F.
This is bullshit man! Next thing you know the cops are gonna ramp up the scale of their punishments for repeat offenders...just like my principal used to do.
HOPE SOLO: Did you know you're bald and wearing a sun visor?
Reading this to play poker is like looking up money laundering in the dictionary.