
I see nothing wrong with this process.

These fifty-something guys looking like fifty-something guys are so lame.

"...super on the same page..."

"Only lost the tip of one finger, huh? I'm not impressed."

Davis: Can't wait to get our new man in here! Got my hair cut and everything!

Bully for him!

It's great to have choices.

Ask the only question that matters...

Too soon!

this might be super unpopular, but i find it super annoying when when adults describe anything as super this or super that.

It's freezing in my office during the winter months...I've been very tempted to buy a sweater vest. To date I have resisted that temptation.

Dropped my sample off yesterday and got a call today that my vasectomy took.

Ben likes his chicken spicy.

Rosario Dawson should be in every movie.

get the fuck outta here with your cape buffalo.

HIDEOUS INDEED! My pearls are SO clutched!

you must be a huge track and field fan then!

Searing take on leather-faced old man's opinion posted by baby-faced young man.

I live in the Communist Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (CCP) so I can't really relate, but this buying alcohol in the amount you choose and where you can also buy other products sounds fascinating...tell me more.

Google "no needle no scalpel vasectomy" and you will feel like punching yourself in the balls for having it done the way you did. I had it done this way a couple months ago and there was no ball shaving required, no legs in stirrups and no flanking the attack on your balls from east and west.