
If you don’t like snide this isn’t the website for you. Have you met Marshawn Lynch? He’s been playing football for probably twenty years, if he’s going to have brain damage it’s already happened. You seem to be echoing the view that just because he didn’t have a brutal, out-cold-before-he-hits-the-turf concussion

Ding ding ding, we have the seventh person to post the same link! What does he win, Jimmy?

Nah, not until I have to clear my browser history...

Your team has returned to irrelevance, so you can go back to not being a sports fan now.

He’s got a nest egg, and no college degree. I just think it’s naive to think the guy’s a financial savant.

Why am I an asshole?

Have you ever heard him speak? It’s way too late for Marshawn Lynch to avoid being braindead.

He’ll be broke in ten years, and then this decision will look real dumb.

“High-res” really? This is called a “photograph,” Kevin.

HAHAHHAHAHAH how did you ever think of such a great and clever joke?

I agree with you. However I find it’s important to differentiate between someone at ESPN, like Adam Schefter, and a journalist. It’s hard to see the difference sometimes I guess, but Adam Schefter is an entertainer and should not be in the same ballpark as Woodward and Bernstein.

Interesting take. I nearly wrote the same thing, except instead of “an awesome life” I was going to say “under a fucking rock for your entire boring life.”

ITT, song zooms thunderously over blogger’s head.

I dislike John Scott more than most people, but this is absolutely the most effective way to make the NHL realize that a fan vote to determine who plays in the ASG is the dumbest shit ever.

I was with you right up until “Mike Pereira is fantastic for Fox,” which is a statement that leads me to believe you don’t actually watch football.

I always assumed it was because schedules are often written as “Panthers at Broncos.” The “at” makes the home team second.

I think Greg was trying to say that in a vacuum, these are the options that he could take. Obviously, Macklemore is making a disgusting amount of money for being bad at rapping, and only a crazy person would quit doing something so easy and yet so profitable.

Not this year, kid.

“Gymnastics”? You know both teams play on the same field, right? Also, how would keeping their mouths shut help anybody? SOMEBODY is going to win this game. It’s not “earned knowledge,” it’s fucking grass. It’s there all day and night for anybody to go look at.

I was going to write “I guess when Sarah complained about Newton hurting the kids, she forgot about that time Marshawn Lynch dove into the end zone against New Orleans and grabbed his dick as he flew backwards through the air,” but that was in 2011, which undoubtedly was at least two years before Sarah knew her city