
Did you think that Deadspin writers actually watch the videos before they post them or...?

“Arod Corp” makes me think of TacoCorp from The League. are you speaking of? This story is everywhere.

Hell, Bills regular season game.


Gawker Media: Covering the Important Issues Since 2003.

Redford you’re the only one in America who believes Johnny Manziel’s bullshit rather than USA Today.

“Never complain, explain or apologize. If you do any of these things then you didn’t do your job correctly.”

That’s because sports journalism is not journalism, it is PR.

I don’t live in Chicago, and I’m not a Cubs or White Sox fan. My point is that any city’s sports fans can convince themselves that their homer broadcasters are fantastic, as proven by Hawk. That guy is an abomination of a broadcaster and people love him.

Chicago. Try listening to a White Sox broadcast sometime without wanting to slam your head against a concrete wall afterward.

Breaking: Guys Who Never Went To Class in College and Get Paid Millions to Play With Balls Are Not Smart

If he prefers OBJ then I shall continue calling him ODB until his bitch ass is out of the league.

Yes, only one of the guys drag racing on a public road is an idiot. The guy drag racing with a standard transmission is totally within his rights and driving 100 percent safely. Fuck that guy in the automatic for causing this totally preventable accident!