
I don’t post much on Facebook and somehow my small friends list skews 70% Republican, and much of my family are Trump supporters. Ever since the election I’ve debated letting loose on there and the ban finally made me speak out. Way too many are defending this and in the immortal words of Caity Weaver thatz not ok.

I can imagine, that many people whould pay money for a chance to do this.

Hillary needs to hire a gymnist and makeup and costuming people to make a fake video of her apparently doing handsprings down a set of stairs, ending with a splits at the bottom. If John Belushi could do it, so can Hillary.

were it not for his ridiculously long list of reprehensible actions that are going to get us all killed and his complete lack of self awareness and shame, the fact that he’s ok with these fucking suits would be the worst thing about him

. . . as is the inability to dress oneself properly. . . .

And doesn’t own a single tie tack.

This is perfectly normal behavior. He has every reason to fear being pushed down the stairs. There’s a big line of people waiting for the chance. And I am one of them

I still cannot get over how a guy who has as much money as he allegedly has wears such garbage suits.

Being afraid of stairs and doorways is CLASSIC, well-documented dementia behavior.

But what about his legendary STAMINA?!?


I’m partial to “SchaDonDrumpf”.

Right??? Why would you (in this case, this crazy Trump lady) possibly think a misogynist Republican would fix the wage gap better than a female Democrat who made being a woman and dealing with women’s issues a pretty decent part of the campaign (whether that’s a good thing or not)?

Right, FFS, privatizing Social Security and dismantling Medicare have been part of the Republican party platform for decades. I don’t understand why anyone that needs them would vote Republican.

Wait, i am getting a really dissonant vibe here. These people are sad because Trump is not going to do the worst things he promised....

“I will be so much better for women than much better that women will be begging me to grab their pussies! Believe me!”

And he’s not bringing jobs back from China. Tell that to Apple and see what happens.

No, only the people who didn’t vote a canidate with a viable chance to win the election are innocent. All others are cupable.

Except for the Veteran, these people can go jump in a lake. I have zero sympathy for horrible people who voted in a horrible person.

And while they are chanting “lock her up”, they are perfectly fine with Trump appointing General Petraeus to a cabinet position even though he admitted guilty to passing classified information to his mistress.