
The ‘lost experience’ thing is what blows my mind. Does anyone honestly believe missing 2 months is going to rob an otherwise qualified candidate of such valuable knowledge they’d lose out on a job? Because that’s the only time the amount of experience someone has matters, is when they’re off looking for the next job.


It would be if paid paternity leave was an accepted norm among employers. But because it’s not in the USA, it’s not the norm in the USA. I don’t know whether or not it’s the norm elsewhere.

Unfortunately, no. I have two male coworkers whose wives are pregnant or just had babies, and they both plan on taking two weeks off, max, not because they want to, but they don’t get paid leave, just have to use PTO. So any more than two weeks would be unpaid. While under FMLA they could take more unpaid time off,

Gender equality means both sexes should get at least 3-6 months parental leave on the arrival of a child, whether by birth or adoption. Our workaholic culture means that is very unlikely to happen.

About paid fucking parental leave for BOTH parents. And not for that six week BULLSHIT.

John Kascik is little more than Scott Walker with better packaging and PR. I got the hell out of Ohio once he was elected. The state was already going down the tubes due to gerrymandering and the TP candidates it helped usher in. Kascick’s election was the last straw.

Yes! Yes! Just have the women telecommute after a few days of sick leave! The technology is there for everybody!

Let me tell you now, there is not a single job on the planet where a year off is a problem, experience-wise. It definitely doesn’t justify a lower pay. If anything, you’re a better employee because your mind is fresh and free from the bullshit.

I’ve never seen so many supposed smart people so eager to show how stupid they really are. Kaisich is but one example.

BEING EQUAL DOESN'T MEAN BEING LIKE A MAN! Man can benefit from stuff women get, for example, paternity leave.

I work for myself, at home, currently with a 7 week old. And when I say work, that means nursing him in front of the computer while I work with one hand and trying to squash a shower, a cup (or 6) of coffee, and as much work as humanly possible in his 1-3 hour nap windows once or twice a day.

Really. Someone needs to mash those lips back into his mug.

Experience level? What the fuck is that nonsense? I’m a goddamn attorney, Kasich. Short of my disappearing from work for like, 100 years, I’m not going to forget how to be one. And I do not work in the only profession where this tripe you’re talking would be irrelevant. But on that note, I also can’t be an attorney

That’s the face of a guy who’s trying to figure out if he’s been convincing in making you believe that he gives a fuck about the question just posed to him about maternity leave. He doesn’t. America needs to publicly address the often unsaid fact that many, many men are just fine with women being paid less for the


So...this is the mythical, non-radical, totally reasonable, reality-getting establishment Republican that so many people are pining for, huh?

Doesn’t currently have a vagina but is very willing to tell women people how to use theirs ? WTF?

Um. This is now how any of this works. Kasich is conflating unlike things.

You know, I get why parental leave is a hard sell. No company wants to be on the hook for an employee that’s going to be gone for a significant amount of time, but perhaps that’s where, I dunno, policy comes in? OR if you’re so into not making it be hard on businesses, you could chip in a certain percentage in state