
Thanks. Yes, politics has become so ugly and really turned neighbor against neighbor. Except for a few die-hards politics wasn’t so ugly a few years ago. I actually blame most of this on the abolition of the Fairness Doctrine in American broadcasting. It gave rise to Limbaugh, Fox, and other really destructive forces

I wish I could “star” you a million times!

I haven’t seen a single person here post any such nonsense. Everyone who is supported of maternity leave is pretty much talking about maternity/paternity leave. I think you are barking up the wrong tree here.

That seems to be how conservatives these days justify their positions on everything - by conflating and confusing the issues. That, and of course, other intellectually dishonest tactics. As a new voter at age 18 I had conservative viewpoints as did my parents. Over the years as I started paying more and more

Trump and Cruz are tied for me. They are two butt-ugliest men in the country, let alone the Presidential race.

Too funny!

Not meaning to change the subject, but, I almost expect the next thing for this, or one of the other Bozos, to say is “We really shouldn’t be paying women to work at all because, you know, if you give them money, they’ll just spend it.”

Of course that depends. My coworker, a male, stayed at home about half the work week “working” from home every time his kid was sick, or his wife was having one of her typical mentally deranged days. Surprisingly, he never finished his projects on time, while I was always hounding my supervisor for more work because I

Say that 10 times fast.

You are right. These guys fit the definition of terrorist - using firearms to make political demands is exactly the definition of terrorism. I keep wondering if all these people who think these guys are a joke would feel safe if they had to go in and arrest these guys. These guys have broken the law. The reason law

Just curious, given that they have broken the law, if you were a law enforcement officer would you feel safe to go in and arrest them?

They have broken the law. Do you believe that if the police showed up to arrest them that the police would be safe? Honest question.

Yeah. I don’t know if the rest of the yahoos will get riled up and try to join them, but, the militia movement is serious and pretty scary. Two of the people who joined Cliven Bundy in Nevada went on to murder two police officers and a civilian. I don’t think it’s wise to underestimate these people, when you do the

I would be interested in hearing more from the locals who live in that area. At least one of them who was interviewed made the statement that the locals want these people to go home and that they are afraid of them. I don’t know how many people she is speaking for, but wonder how many of the locals are afraid of these

I agree. I don’t give a rat’s ass about who slept with who, or how anyone reacted to it. Did not affect my life one bit. I care about the policies that politicians are likely to promote or oppose - those are things are going to impact my life. As far as I’m concerned, Bill Clinton could have slept with dozens of

So is Trump!

No “they” didn’t. She actually said she thought it was probably a toy gun. Here is a recording of the actual phone call where the caller says at least twice that the gun is probably a toy gun. She also says that he’s a kid, not a grownup.

You must not have read his Deadspin article very carefully if you think he only chose to speak out AFTER getting canned, because the entire article is all about how he got canned probably BECAUSE of the speaking out that he did.

I think part of it is just in case the first conviction gets overturned. You never know about these things - as long as he has money his lawyers will think of reasons that his conviction isn’t valid. And sometimes these thugs win, all you need is the right judge to agree that something wasn’t right about the

What really makes me laugh is the quality of his prison tattoo is better than the tats he got on the outside. Too funny.