
Word. Apologies

HA! Of course it was. He and Ringo have just enough talent to be told what to do by Paul or John.

Haha. No, no it isn't. It's goddamn fucking amazing. It's like fucking free money. Who's the troll here anyway? Shut your mouth and get back to your starbucks

Oh so it's like craigs list except the person comes armed to the teeth with deadly tools. Excellent.

Part of me wishes I was in homeroom right now, because that would mean I'd be a ripe 25 when your dumb ass is looking down the barrel of 50. Unfortunately I work at a tech company and I get paid 6 fig to fuck around and piss people like you off all day. Just call me a professional troll. Do some more mediocre writing

i wish i knew where to get a copy of the brand guidelines from 2007. why did they go bubble in the first place is what I want to know. Was it to match the candy like esthetic of the new imacs?

she's actually throwing the shocker. holy shit! marry me

give to daddy

Oh I guess it's good they keep spending billions on new carriers and battle ships then... ones that never get out of drydock because of malfunctions.

this optical illusion is freaking me right the fuck out

looks like the sort of thing someone would buy and put in their garage full of garbage in about a month

nice horse Link. go home. you're drunk. and you're breaking all my pottery.

because she's a racist fuck?

i hate all of this

none of this is true

oh no i wasn't defending him. just sounds odd.

ah, and they say privileged kids grow up just fine.

i'm still torn on this. flat design makes sense for mobile because the interaction times are shorter. you have to get your point across faster. It's two completely separate environments that they're trying to bridge with branding consistency that only makes sense on one or the other.

anesthesiologist's don't do the actual surgery, so iunno what the hell this article is supposed to be about.

so this argument is really that old? sick...